Monday, 18 March 2019

SHORT Week 28

Hi Everyone,
This week was incredibly short due to not one, but two, snow days! On Monday the mentors learned about values and brainstormed ways we can use our strongest values in class to show leadership. The most important value across all classes was family so we talked about ways we could make our classes feel like a family. I look forward to seeing how this plays out this week. On Tuesday we talked about boundaries. We discussed how boundaries are based on agreements about what is okay to do and what is not okay to do in any type of relationship, and also who is allowed to do what. We then played a game to determine what we think is ok and what is not ok with some fabulous scenarios I made up. Wednesday and Thursday we, of course, had off. On Friday another class needed the gym so we played games, watched silly videos and listened to music as our fun Friday. Heres a fun video of us playing with a unicorn game I got at a staff Christmas party a couple months ago. Look forward to a lot more fun and pictures next week!

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