Monday, 22 April 2019

Week 32 @ Scott

This week was full of testing and high emotions! On Monday the Mentors talked through some struggles and successes they are having with their mentees and got started on their masks early.

 On Tuesday all classes started their masks. On the front of the mask students decorated based on what they show the world and on the back they put all the things they hide from the world.

 Then at the end of the day, we had a controlled release due to a threat in the city. This led to no school on Wednesday. On Thursday we had testing which only gave about 25 minutes for each class. We spent Thursday talking through questions, fears, and lingering thoughts about the events of the week. Students were able to work through some of the feelings that had kept them up through the night and learned how to recognize what was real information and what were rumors. We also had some great conversations about how we represent different groups of people in the media. On Friday we had fun in the gym and played Mentors/teacher versus Mentee dodgeball and some all class basketball games. This week we are finishing up testing and have a fun social and dress down day tomorrow! Hope everyone has a great week!

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