As we come to the end of the school year the YESS classrooms are filled with a lot of different emotions. The 8th graders are getting ready to graduate and head to high school, the 6th and 7th graders are getting excited (some worried) for summer, but I am incredibly impressed by the student's ability to keep working hard! On Monday the mentees stayed with Ms. Katrina and worked on Why Try curriculum while the Mentors worked on their social justice projects and missing work. We switched our tutoring day back to Tuesday and I was beyond impressed by student work ethic.
On Wednesday we did a lesson centered around Empathy and the students wrote a story based on a random shoe that was put in front of them. The assignment asked them to look at the show and create a unique story about who wore that shoe, where they came from, and what their life was like. I wish everyone could read all of them because the students were really creative and some were absolutely hilarious. As well on Wednesday, 5th graders from the district came to visit and a lot of our YESS students performed in either Jazz Band or Choir and others helped give students a tour of the school after.
We didn't have school last Friday so on Thursday some classes stayed in the classroom and played board games and a much beloved gaga ball while others went to the gym to play kickball, scatter ball and basketball.
Great work I think that it's a challenge to stay motivated so close to the end of the year (for students and adults). I think that your students are great!